Stoneleigh Town and Country Festival 1997,

held at the Royal Showground, August 23rd-25th.

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John Bridger

Condor - SkegEx-winning Model
John Bridger has astounded us all with his model of an amusement park ride 'The Condor'. Rising to a height of 9ft.8ins.
On a base 5 ft. two and half inches in diameter with a beautiful designed Condor at the top of the tower, the bird made from silver narrow strips, is a work of art in itself.
The ride has four arms, each with six gondolas, so with the whole assembly turning and the gondolas turning on each arm, the ride is quite a spectacular sight as the arms rise up to tower and descend.
It is a five year plan to complete the model. More decor has to be added as well as lighting.
Transporting the model is done in familiy motor caravan.

Congratulations to John for the awards won.

Stuart Merrill

Single Cylinder Burrell - Fowler Big Lion B6
Two Steam Road Locos were on display, partly Model Engineering and partly Meccano. One, a single cylinder Burrell without a differential, on corners the nearside wheel pin had to be removed so that the engine could round the corner, then stop again to put the pin back. The second engine, a Fowler Big Lion B6 had everything on it and a half canopy. These are real works of art as well as engineering.

Ernest Chandler

Tipper Lorry - Bert Halliday's Showmans Engine - agricultural artivulated Tractor

He did display a rebuild of Bert Halliday's Showmans Engine, the mini one, an agricultural articulated Tractor, first bulit by a New Zealand enthusiast. The Tipper Lorry from a recent C.Q. by a French builder.

Mike Shaw

A very nice model 'Magician' from C.Q. with the changing playing cards, well lit too. A very well decorated model in many colours.


Last updated: 2002-06-26
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